- 1½ cups self-raising flour
• ¼ cup cocoa po wder
• ½ cup caster sugar
• 1½ cups milk
• 1 egg
• 120g dark chocolate, chopped
• ¾ cup dark br own sugar
• 1 Tbsp molasses
• 1 Tbsp unsalted butter
• double cream and chocolate sauce,
to serve
1 Preheat oven to 180°C. Sift the flour and 2 Tbsp cocoa into a bowl, then stir inthe caster sugar, milk and egg. Beat untilsmooth, then fold in the dark chocolate. Spoon into four well-greased one-and-a-half-cup baking dishes.
2 Mix the remaining cocoa, brown sugar, molasses and butter in a bowl, then add 1½ cups boiling water. Whisk until smooth, then ladle over the batter. Bake for 25-30 minutes, until a skewer inserted into the centre comes out clean. Serve warm with double cream and chocolate sauce.